Monday, December 16, 2013

UNITS of 'TIME' in VEDIC ERA - A Small Article

This is a small post on units of time used in vedic era.

The units of time used in ancient vedic era were of such a huge range that it really boggles my mind.

The smallest units range from 'Truti(= 0.031 Microseconds)' & 'Paramanu(=17 microseconds)' to the largest unit being 'Maha-Manvantra' equal to 311.04 Trillion or 311,040,000,000,000 Years which was considered the the life time of a universe.

Now there is a Big range of units: for example,

truti = 31 x 10^-9 sec
60 Truti = 1 Renu
60 Renu = 1 Lava
60 Lava= 1 Leekshaka
60 Leekshaka= 1 Vipala
60 Vipala = 1 Pala
60 Pala =  1 GHATI
60 GHATI = 1 Ahoratra (Day+Night/ 24 hours Exact)

Besides that are 
Paksha= 14 Ahoratras (When Moon is Waxing or Weaning)
Masa(Month) = 2 Pakshas
Ritu=  2 Masa
Aayan= 6 months Period when Sun is moving in 1 direction i.e towards the tropic of Cancer or Capricorn called 'Uttarayana' & 'Dakshinayana' respectively.

Varsha = 1 Year

MahaYuga= 10^14 Years.

Anyhow i am here to explain the corelation between the daily usage units.

1 Vipala = 0.4 Seconds

1 Prana = 4 Seconds

1 'Pala' = 60 Vipala or 6 Prana= 24 Seconds

1 Ghati = 60 pala or 15 Prana = 24 minutes

1 Mahurata= 2 Ghatis = 2 x 24 =48 Minutes

So 1 Day is composed of 60 Ghatis( 60 x 24 = 1440 min =24 hours) or 30 Mahuratas ( 2 ghati = 1 Mahurta)

Suppose we have to convert 15 hours 20 minutes into Vedic Units,
So here is goes:

15 hours = 15 x 60 minutes = 900 minutes
1 ghati = 24 minutes, So 900 minutes ~ 900/24 = 37 ghatis and 12 minutes

24 sec = 1pala

so 12 x 60 sec = 12 x 60/24 = 30 palas

15 hours 20 minutes = 37 ghatis and 30 palas.

Interesting fact: The Earth Rotates 6 degrees around its Axis in 24 minutes at the rate of 1 degree per 4 minutes. So Every 1 ghati earth rotates 6 degrees on its axis making a total of 360 Degree in 360/6 = 60 Ghatis.

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