Mythological the TAIL OR THE Body of the Serpent, Most
classical texts define ketu by broad
terms like dissatisfaction, detachment , austerity and Spirituality.
In my View:
“Ketu represents a circle in 3 Dimensions, It is a
sphere, it is a Warmhole, it is ‘An isolated perfect shphere which is ‘whole’
and ‘complete’ & ‘perfect’ in itself and requires no help or
attachments/interactions and processes to improvise/change itself. It is
Singularity and unification. It is a unified, unidirectional focused &
isolated beam or Black hole of energy”
Ketu is usually in a broader sense described by words like Detached, satisfied, Self-Assured, who does not want ‘anything’, Spiritual, Austere, Hidden, Secretive, Secret Thinker, Spiritual, Aimless and blind.
It is Obsessive but to Moving away from life and
Worldly affairs, Sharp and Ingenious, a Secretive & isolated thinker who Runs
after Higher Physics, Philosophy and spirituality.
But It is
an incomplete & basic definition. There should be logical co-relation to
life and mundane events and why something is assigned particular nakshtras and
signs.Anyhow, before I move to the Crux of information about ketu here is some more of classical information regarding ketu.
“Ketu also represents Introvert-ness, hiding one’s feelings and Introspection. It represents deep connections as well as privacy. It represents detachments, losses and letting go of worldly connections, wishes and demands. It can understand deep things and ‘what is going on deep inside’ itself and others.
Ketu also represents unidirectional and impulsive initiation of action or movement without thought and consideration, meaning it takes action and Run ahead without proper planning or any Pre-set Goals, Just acts and interprets the consequences later on. Thus People with a Mars-Ketu conjunction can be very impulsive and thoughtless while asserting their will or taking any action.
But as I said this is not a Satisfactory or complete explanation about Ketu. Let’s start with my detailed views on ketu,
Ketu represents the downwards lowest form of energy state. In the level Bar graph of Entropy or Randomness or Possible states of existence or possible ‘degrees of freedom’( refer to your Physics textbooks), Ketu represents the Zero or minimal entropy state or the least amount of degrees of freedom. It represents ‘ONE-Ness’ & Universal unification or universal Connectivity to ‘the Source’ /’the one’ / or ‘GOD’. On a Kelvin Scale it represents ABSOLUTE ZERO temperature. It represents the state acquired after Giving off all energy, heat, randomness or acquisition and achievement of Peace, Calm, Serenity, Zeroness, Immobility, Rigidity, focus and STABILITY. It is a state of Zero entropy or a state when there is no change in the present level of entropy.
This State is similar to Infinity or RAHU in 1 aspect. It has NO INFORMATION TO INTERPRET or OBSERVE and give meaning to by a regular Human being.
It is a ‘No Information state’.
‘Information’ is something that is intelligible. It is a form of interpretable data or stimuli or observations. It is something we can infer something from. Something we can use & share as meaningful data in the mundane or anthropological world & phenomena.
And by no interpretable information I mean it is a state or ‘existence’ where nothing is happening( nothing of the regular physical world) and so nothing to observe.
It is outside the boundaries of the regular ‘Space-time’ ‘UNIVERSE’ yet it as a Single Spot/source is Connected to the ENTIRE Stretch of this UNIVERSE. There is No Space, No Size, No Distance and NO time there and ‘that there’ is connected to the whole Creation. Some ‘force’ there is running this whole Creation and yet that force is isolated and ‘Outside’ or Detached from this Whole ‘Creation’.
It is Moksha or Zeroness.
So NOW We start from here,, I mean ‘literally’ ‘this everything’ of our ‘universe’ Starts from ‘here’.
We start with BIRTH of Something out of Nothing.
All we need is an Impulse or Energy that only has One direction to move into with full focus, Beaming Blast of Energy like a Gamma ray and Enhancement , Racing in one direction to give a unidirectional Blast or a Kick START to create or Manifest this ‘WHOLE’ Observable and interpretable UNIVERSE & ALL the Phenomena in it which will be a Sort of ‘Information’ & ‘Meaning’ for us humans or any entities in this Universe to Observe and play with.
HEya.. Hello,, what do you see,,, Out of NOTHING,, we now have an Impulse of creation, A Birth, A Randomness, A unidirectional INITIATION of a Cycle. IT is an unstoppable RACE to Grow into multiple options, multiple ‘degrees of freedoms & Possibilities after going through multiple levels and types of readable interpretable ‘informations’ to ultimately reach massive deep empty expansion and Emptiness where again there is NO Interpretable ‘Information’ to be read. You all may be feeling ‘What is all this’. But if you re-read the Above text, once again, I have Given you a small Glimpse on the ORIGIN of this UNIVERSE and ASTROLOGY.
I just explained to you What is KETU? Why is it the Zeroness and Nothingness/Moksha State and Also Why is it the Starting Point of everything?
If you Observed keenly I also just explained to you the CHARACTERISTICS of the ‘ASHWINI’ Nakshatra.
As we all know that the first Nakshtra is #Ashwini who is lorded by ketu and by reading the above lines you can understand that out of nothing or zero or fixed state come a blast of unidirectional focused energy to give a jump start to creation.
Hence We have startings from Ketu + Ashwini + Aries + Mars. How We move on with other signs and Nakshtras I will explain in other articles.
Hence we can see ketu represents ‘a focused beam with no mind, No Confusion and total self- assurance and Focused action.
Ketu can also be referred to a circle or a sphere which is complete and whole in itself and does not need any change or any addition or subtraction to improve or get better, it is already accomplished and in the best possible state of perfection and needs no change or variation. It is Isolated & complete and Yet it is connected to this ‘whole creation’ BUT from ‘outside’ or from an ‘Outer Dimension’ & not from ‘within’ this ‘Creation’. Any change will only cause imperfection.
The Root of this Planet as a Wordly participant is:
Rigid, fixed, Complete, ‘Wholeness in itself’ like a circle or sphere or a Zero, it is Stable, Self-assured and unidirectional in motion.
It does not like much change , randomness or making mistakes and learning and making continuous improvements like Rahu.
It already knows everything, and has already lived everything, Because ‘where’ it ‘stays’, all ‘TIME’ from beginning to end has already existed and has been observed and lived. It renounces everything and Meditates with focus and Stability in mind as well as mundane things.
It also believes I have lived and felt all the experiences in a specific arena of life already and I don’t need more information or experience in it anymore.
Now if this focused beam conjuncts a planet. See the results,
1) Sun-Ketu – Self Proclaimed and Self-felt Status and confidence like no one can achieve. Blind, Full, firm and Hardcore belief in one’s views. Full on internal confidence and self –belief that does not need anyone’s approval or Support. They know they are the best inside or internally. Do not need external support or approval. Although you do not get involved in society as this King bcz of that “focused beam” being uncaring and unconcerned of what the world thinks. It is Self assured that I am the King, People believe or not. Focused Clear-cut orthodox beliefs and views. Creates a Similar father with clear –cut confident and firm ideologies. Creates a similar ideology Pattern in the native. On the contrary Rahu-Sun people have a fragile confidence, no harcore beliefs and also they need constant approval from people to feel they are the King or to feel confident and hence are always seeking approval to satisfy their ego and status by different means and trying to prove themselves.
Mars – Ketu: Such a focused beam of devastating Anger and Instant impulsive fearless, mindless and Finishing action. You know you are RIGHT as per the RULES and you attack believing you will win. You Enter the battle to Kill and Win. You don’t doubt. You don’t think twice before fighting. You attack. You don’t give a single thought you will win or loose, live or die afterwards. You know you will win. Focussed clear cut Action, fealess Action.
Moon - Ketu: Deep emotions, You hide them, You know all that can be felt. You connect at the deepest emotional level. You know as a “focused beam” what someone is feeling in the room. You can connect with a person emotionally, how they feel at the deepest point PRCISELY.
Focussed Clear cut picture of depth of emotions. Knows the Greatness of Feelings, how faith and feelings can make accomplish anything but still renounces the “WANT” or “WISH” or “Desire” of tangible accomplishment. Because it ‘knows’ , unconditional love is Just Giving love and care without the need for Accomplishment.
Mercury – Ketu: Not a Good Combination for both. Mercury the adolescent, Random, flirt, Experimental, Manager, Connects to multiple consciousnesses in way that all those consciousnesses like to connect, Reacts that is the best as per the scenario for Goal accomplishment. Sort of like Rahu, While KETU is deep , focused and likes Renunciation, isolation and Truth. So Can be beneficial in A few scenarios where Strict rules of LOGIC and Maths are to be applied. But not good where multiple options are to considered in parallel to arrive at a result like Algebra, Business and to decipher a Matrix.
Venus – Ketu: Relationships like one woman man. Commitment to an extreme. Even one – sided can be a commitment to an extreme. These people have pre-set in their mind their perfect case scenario which obviously is difficult to find in the world and hence they move away from most “time-pass” type relationships. But when they form a relation or bond they want it to be fixed and eternal and forever. Unlike rahu-venus who are very confused and lack focus on 1 relationship and hence there is randomness and doubt in relationships(to be very brief).
Ketu-Jupiter: A Very focused rigid and deep desire for supreme wisdom and knowledge. Very self assured and Confident about their views, ideologies and wisdom. Consider it to be way better and higher then most other people, unlike Rahu-jupiter which has changing belief systems, ideologies and confusions, which always wants to learn all philosophies and belief systems but unable to follow anyone for long with faith and dedication. But Ketu – Jupiter are very rigid in their beliefs.
Saturn – Ketu: A Very focused and dedicated hard-working and Personality. Efforts are very focused and fruitful , no wastage of effort in useless and random activities. Stability , slowness and Minimum required efforts that are righteous and necessary for fructification of events.
Thank you!
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