These Points are based on Astrological principles :) I am not asserting something or blaming anyone. :) They are my interpretations based on my Observations which may or may not be always correct.
All Charts are shown below
Very Interesting and rare occurances. One may say that the same planetary alignment of D-1 existed for like 2 hours, so here's the crux.
1) During flight's take off in both D-1 and D-9(changes every 10 minutes) , the Ascedant lord is MARS, which is retrograde in the 12 house in both D1 and D9 So this is rare to have the same retrograde ascendant lord i.e Mars in both charts. Very rare.
2) The date in March 8/03/2014 which adds up to give a total of 18 which further gives 9 which refers to MARS again which is retrograde in 12th house.
3) At the time of flight's disappearance again the D-1 chart is the same while In D9 ascedant is conjunct to ketu in the 5th house and is again Retrograde while in D60 the Ascendant lord is in the 8th house.
4) Jupiter is in Ardra Nakshatra(Destruction and havoc) in an Air Sign Gemini and being aspected by Rahu from an Air Sign Libra and is in the 8th house (Sudde transformations and events deep under the surface in a hidden way). In fact Jupiter is itself the Nakshatra of Rahu( ardra ). Moreover it is interesting that both jupiter an Rahu are aspecting each other. Now Jupiter is also aspecting Rahu as well as all the planets in the 12th house here but unmm.. Jupiter is itself so afflicted in Ardra(destruction and havoc) and is itself aspected by Rahu, in the 8th house. How good can jupiter's aspect be from here. But still i would say it is reducing chances of violence or an explosion mid-air by aspecting the 12th house & the planets in it. Besides Jupiter has a Very low SHAD BALA of only 103 to impart a Strong benefic influence on the house.
5) Ascendant lord is MARS(Scorpio) in D10 as well as in D12. Also it is in the 8th house in D12. making a total of 5 Charts with Mars ascendant and a Date i.e 9
6) Added from Comments(Mr.Amol): The flight number is 370 adding up to 1 which is symbolized by the SUN. NOw Interestingly Sun during take off is in Aquarious at 23 degreas and is exactly 119 ~ equivalent to almost 120 degrees which is the triene point with the Strongest 5th aspect from RAHU in libra.
7) the Flight number 370 and the date of birth of the Pilot , both add up to Give number 1, which represents SUN which as i said is in an air sign having STRONG aspect by RAHU. Again SUN also represents the Pilot of a Plane. An Aspect on the Sun by Rahu represents that the 'Authority' figure of the plane/ The Pilot who is Power and Command will not act the right way. It will be under an illusion or false perception about things and do unlawful actions. (may be as a victim or thinking his actions to be right, while actually they may not be right)
7) the Flight number 370 and the date of birth of the Pilot , both add up to Give number 1, which represents SUN which as i said is in an air sign having STRONG aspect by RAHU. Again SUN also represents the Pilot of a Plane. An Aspect on the Sun by Rahu represents that the 'Authority' figure of the plane/ The Pilot who is Power and Command will not act the right way. It will be under an illusion or false perception about things and do unlawful actions. (may be as a victim or thinking his actions to be right, while actually they may not be right)
8) From the above points we can make out that the flight has a strong impact and influence of Planet Mars and Sun on it and both of them are in an Airy Sign and both of them are either strongly Conjunct or aspected by Rahu. In addition ascendant lord is not only retrograde but also placed in the 12th bhava while 12th bhava lord is in the 3rd Sign.
9) Look at all the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Sun. All of them are aspected by Rahu and all of them are in Air Signs.
Saturn ruling discipline and order. It is also conjunct ketu in D9 at the time the flight disappeared.
Sun representing soul and 'Authority' and here flight number as well as date of birth of the pilot.
Jupiter representing Wisdom, Safety, Blessings, Auspiciousness, Also Jeeva Karka is in Ardra nakshatra in 8th house.
Mars as i said is te Ascendant here , not only conjunct to rahu-the illusion but also in the 12th bhava with it.
10) The ascendant is in the 12th bhava and further 12th bhava lord is in the 3rd house in Capricorn which is venus. Here it is conjunct to mercury.Venus represents water while Capricorn is an earth sign. So i am hopefull it is on an island and will communicate from there but i guess only after Sun enters Pisces and Mars is in Virgo again. Also 12th lord is in 3rd but 3rd is also in 12th making a mutual exchange.
11) In the D-3 Chart (Drekkana), representing Short Journeys, The Ascendant as you can see is Jupiter and s placed in the 8th House (Chaos, Sudden transformations, Letting go of control, Ups and Downs) in the Sign of LIBRA(Air Sign representing West) along with SUN, RAHU and a Retrograde MARS.
Seems like SUN and MARS are afflicted in almost every chart and are involved with or as a flight ascendant everywhere. VERY RARE.
11) In the D-3 Chart (Drekkana), representing Short Journeys, The Ascendant as you can see is Jupiter and s placed in the 8th House (Chaos, Sudden transformations, Letting go of control, Ups and Downs) in the Sign of LIBRA(Air Sign representing West) along with SUN, RAHU and a Retrograde MARS.
Seems like SUN and MARS are afflicted in almost every chart and are involved with or as a flight ascendant everywhere. VERY RARE.
I need more research on Drekkanas to be more elaborate on the stuff.
12) i don't know if Vimshotri dasha system can be applied here or not but here you can see the readings in this image.
In the end:As per my Prediction it was meant to turn back and hide, AND it is on a land area to the WEST OF MALAYSIA and with a lot of HOLY SCULPTORS , STATUES OR Artistic Structures. AND it will be found as soon as Sun enters LIBRA i.e 15-March, 2014 and Mars enters Virgo as seen from Kuala lumpur i.e March 25, 2014. (reason at the end of article). Also an element of FOUL PLAY is certain in the whole scenario because Rahu is impacting both Sun (Pilot and flight's number) as well as Mars(flight's ascendant).
Also an element of FOUL PLAY is certain in the whole scenario because Rahu is impacting both Sun (Pilot's and flight's number) as well as Mars(flight's ascendant).The Pilot could be Involved in the foul play may be as a victim or as a doer of Crime himself. May be he was overpowered and 'shadowed' or he was under an illusion that he was doing the right thing while he was not.
In addition MARS and Saturn also represents Gadgets and electical equiments and Machines and Impact of Rahu on both can cause malfunction but ummm...i think the malfunction is done intentionally for ulterior motives and on purpose to Gain something.
Retrograde Ascedant also shows it would have stopped a number of times before reaching a destination. May be to refuel itself.(See comments for more)
God Bless all!!
Okay Now,
here's a look at the Chart D-1 and Navamsha when the flight was taking off.
The flight "Malaysia Airlines Flight 370" took off from the Airport from 'Kuala lumpur' at 12:41 am local time for Bejing, china which is North-North-east to the point of Origin of journey.
At look at the Chart of flight Beginning, In both the D-1 and D-9 (Navamsha) the Ascendent or rising sign is 'Scorpio' (representing transformation, death, hidden, secretive things, occult, underground things, it also represents small detailed microscopic details about things like quantum physics, The sign of scorpio and the 8th house also represents EMERGENCY Situations or Sudden events and Sudden Transformations or Sudden Death like Situations arising out of nowhere). In both the ascendant is in the 12th Bhava/house (representing losses, letting go of the worldly matters, concerns, connections and desires. It represents Isolation, Private places, Imagination, Meditative states, Going beyond physical and material existence and loosing everything. Loss of connection or an allien or foreign place. It represents places hidden from us like, different dimensions, hospitals, jails, or any place or thing hidden from us and everyone around us.)
Now in both the charts the ascendant is in the 12 house of losses or places hidden from us. This means the "Self"( 1st house) which here is the flight is hidden from itself and the world. The self does not know it properly or is hidden from itself and the world.
Now the 'Self' lord which is MARS is retrograde( in both D01 and Navamsha). It is Conjunct to retrograde Saturn and also to Rahu.
For a retrograde planet i know of two of concepts to look at it.
A) Mars retrograde means lack of speed or repetitive efforts or slowness in achieving that aggressive zeal and effort to finish the task.
and Saturn retrograde means difficulty in following the discipline and order what one is meant to and not staying in the limits of what is required to do.
B) Another concept of 'vedhanta' planet where both act as their opposite with Mars acting as Saturn in retrogradation while Saturn acting as Mars also exists. According to it we can believe it to be Conjunction of Saturn + Mars >> which gives obsessiveness, hard work and zeal to Go get it, It makes one Dedicated and Oriented to get the goal according to the house it is placed in. Here it is the 12th house. SO there's a Zeal and obsession to HIDE and Loose connection from the world.
Now both are conjunct to Rahu.
Rahu is an illusionist, creates a shadow, hides the truth, manipulates things, It want to get what it wants at any cost. Rahu resorts to illegal means. Rahu also means Sudden expansion for personal gain. Rahu has a malefic influence on the conjunction creating that what is Socially unacceptable, wrong, unwanted and illegal deviating them from their rules and regulations.
ALL of this is occurring in the 12th house, in the Sign of LIBRA, which is an Airy Sign. Also RAHU is an Airy Planet, knows no boundaries or rules. Saturn retrograde also finds difficulty following rules and Discipline.
All this hiding and disappearing (12 house) and not following its regular or disciplined path( retrograde saturn & Rahu) occurs in the Air(libra and rahu) and has a fishy and foul play smell in it(rahu).
The 12th lord is in the 3rd house. A yoga representing Adversity and misfortune to manifest something good later on.
Bottomline, In both D-1 and D-9 the ascedant is retrograde and in 12th house which represent turning back, not being able to reach its goal or destination in the first attempt and also disappearance and hiding.
Now let's come to the time when the Plane actually Disappeared. I have prepared this CHART using EXACT Co-ordinates of LAST Known LOCATION and taken altitude as around 33,000 feet, since i do not know the exact altitude but i took this as the average cruising height of the plane.
The flight disappeared at 1:30 am somewhere in gulf of Thailand.
As seen above the D-1 is the same with ascendant in 12th house with Saturn (R) and Rahu.
In D-9 or navamsha,
The first lord is Saturn (R) in 5th house with Ketu.
Now Saturn-Ketu conjunction is another representative of Detachment from one's duties and responsibilities and leaving the worldly connections and going to hidden , occult and spiritual or unseen dimensions and making everyone else to follow the same path.
Interestingly, at this exact time in the D-60 chart (which changes every 2 minutes) the Ascendant which is Capricorn ruled by Saturn is AGAIN retrograde and in the 8th house in the Sign of Leo.
So D-1, D-9 ascendants at the time of take off are in the 12th house with Saturn(r) and RAHU in an Airy Sign.
D-1 ascendants at the time of Disappearance is in the 12th house while D-9 Ascendant is conjunct to Ketu in the 5th house.and the D60 lord is retrograde in 8th.
So from all of the above combinations i would say the Charts point to Sudden, suspicious and Unwanted Disappearance of the 'Native'/'Flight' mid air.
BUT, what Happened...
The Optimistic signs i see here (that it may be hijacked or lost but still hopefully alright) are and would like to share are,
1) Rahu, is ambitious, materialistic, wants to survive at any cost is conjunct to the ascendant.
2) 12th lord is in the 3rd house with mercury, i am hopeful they will communicate from the hidden place. Here as the 12th lord is itself in the Sign of Capricorn an Earth Sign in the 3rd house And 3rd lord is in 12th. There is a mutual exchange.
3)Mars is in its own nakshatra of Chitra. Chitra is about both illusions & spirituality as well as about art, Creation, Beauty, Presentation and Creating 'Structures'. So kind of like a creative and not destructive nakshatra.
4) Both the Ascendant and it's lord are Vargottama.
5) Jupiter is aspecting the 12th house planets including Rahu, Saturn and MARS.
6) Mars(Ascendant lord) and Saturn both have a Very High Shad Bala.
Although Jupiter being in the 8th house and in Ardra Nakshatra and also having a low shad bala plus it being the ascendant of D-3(Drekkana) and placed in 8th house in Drekkana could mean lower survival tendency as it is considered a Jeeva karka and has a lower benefic influence on the malefics.
So these are a few astrological Interpretations and combinations that i observed regarding the flight that is still missing.
I am not a Professional Astrologer but i have revealed as much as i can infer from the data visible.
I Welcome everyone to give their own analysis and views. If you find something add on in the Divisional charts or much more, DO WRITE UP AND SHARE your views here.
Thank You!
May God Bless all!!!
P.S: Here's a look at all other 16 Divisional Charts. Again read the points i gave at the top and you'll have a better understanding.
As per my Prediction it was meant to turn back and hide, AND it is on a land area to the WEST OF MALAYSIA and with a lot of HOLY SCULPTORS , STATUES OR Artistic Structures. AND it will be found as soon as Sun enters LIBRA (15/03/2014) and Mars enters Virgo as seen from Kuala lumpur i.e March 25, 2014. because....
1) Mars is in CHITRA Nakshatra.
2) 7th lord seen in cases of disappearance and stealing is in 3rd house in capricorn an earth sign.
3) 12th lord is doing same as above in 3rd house as mentioned in point 2.
4) Mars represents the Southern Direction and the sign of LIBRA and Capricorn the west.
Also an element of FOUL PLAY is certain in the whole scenario because Rahu is impacting both Sun (Pilot's and flight's number) as well as Mars(flight's ascendant).The Pilot could be Involved in the foul play may be as a victim or as a doer of crime. May be he was overpowered and 'shadowed' or he was under an illusion that he was doing the right thing while he was not.
As per my Prediction it was meant to turn back and hide, AND it is on a land area to the WEST OF MALAYSIA and with a lot of HOLY SCULPTORS , STATUES OR Artistic Structures. AND it will be found as soon as Sun enters LIBRA (15/03/2014) and Mars enters Virgo as seen from Kuala lumpur i.e March 25, 2014. because....
1) Mars is in CHITRA Nakshatra.
2) 7th lord seen in cases of disappearance and stealing is in 3rd house in capricorn an earth sign.
3) 12th lord is doing same as above in 3rd house as mentioned in point 2.
4) Mars represents the Southern Direction and the sign of LIBRA and Capricorn the west.
Also an element of FOUL PLAY is certain in the whole scenario because Rahu is impacting both Sun (Pilot's and flight's number) as well as Mars(flight's ascendant).The Pilot could be Involved in the foul play may be as a victim or as a doer of crime. May be he was overpowered and 'shadowed' or he was under an illusion that he was doing the right thing while he was not.
In addition MARS and Saturn also represents Gadgets and electical equiments and Machines and Impact of Rahu on both can cause malfunction but ummm...i think the malfunction is done intentionally for ulterior motives and on purpose to Gain something. Besides, Retrograde Ascedant also shows it would have stopped a few times before reaching a destination. May be to refuel itself.
Any more points please add them.
Thank You Again!!
Thanks for Reading!
New Addition:
March 17, 2014 12:49 AM, IST
So finally i have got the information about the flight's exact co-ordinates when it disappeared off radar and i have updated the image above.
So now let's see what we can interpret from it...
March 17, 2014, 2:15 PM , IST,
So now as we can see the Disappearance/Stealing Chart.
The 7th house is seen in Cases of Disappearance of stuff.
The 12th house is places hidden from us.
The 8th house is what we hide from all.
The 6th house for the enemies and obstacles in the fulfillment of the wishes.
You See anything Striking,,, Yes all the Lords are in the 3rd house except the 6th which is in 12th.
The 7th house has Moon in exaltation in rohini. Very Auspicious though but i guess it suggests some highly Positioned, learned and Attractive Lady was involved in the Disappearance Master-plan.
Now coming to the 3rd house,,
The Sign of Capricorn is an earth sign and can represent the South or Downward direction. Venus represents Water and the west and also is a feminine planet(the 7th lord). Mars lord of the 6th / enemy house and the Ascendant represents South. Mars in CHITRA represents LAND again. Mercury represents Sunset or Sunrise time and eastern direction. Moon represents North. Now.. I think i need to think deeper to know..but still it is pointing more on the thing that it was taken to a Land area and not crashed into water and that a lady of high position and learning is involved as a thief.This is an add on to the involvement of the pilot (may be as a victim) not a change from my previous prediction. Anyways, thank you,, i need to leave for now..
to be continued after i finish my Cardiovascular System Questions ..
Thank you...
March 22, 2014:
Meanwhile it just occurred to me, That the Moon can represent the Co-pilot which is exalted in the 7th house. The Co-pilot could have transformed the flight path/ Taken it away from sight/ acted as a thief because 7th house is 'Maraka karaka' and a house to see Stealing and theft, as things go away from sight into hidden places of 8th house to transform.
So may be the Co-pilot took control and the Pilot (SUN) was damaged and put a Shadow upon (Rahu).
March 24, 2014:
I found out what are the different directions represented by various zodiac signs while hovering over the internet.
So it comes out that 12
Nice assessment!
ReplyDeleteAlso read the name '' Malaysia Airlines Flight 370'', M letter rule by sun also as per vedic astrology M and T letters fall under Leo sign whose lord is sun, further 370 total is 1 whose lord is again sun. Now check degree of rahu - 6 and sun +24 deg exact 120 degree apart where rahu aspect on sun which cause damage. (sun is in airy sign)... u agree with it rahul...
ReplyDeletethe date of flight is actually on 8/03/2013, a Saturday
ReplyDeleteI mean 08/03/2014, small typo in the year. Sorry
DeleteO Reallly, that is actually even more interesting,, because...
that gives a total of 18 adding to give 9. i mean mind blowing,, 5 charts with MARS Ascendant, Date is giving a total of 9 that is MARS again. :) I will edit my article,, interstingly,, the Charts D1 and D9 are the same on 8/03/2014 at 12:41 am.
It is interesting, and I can understand at least a small part of your explanation regarding the missing flight.What is interesting is that in numerology, the number 8 is ruled by Saturn and the flight went missing on 8th which incidentally was on a Saturday (ruled by Saturn) and Asthami tithi (which is considered inauspicious tithi). Also, I agree with Rahu playing an important part in the mysterious disappearance especially when Rahu, Saturn and Mars is in an Airy Sign and Rahu is always about mystery and illusion. Hopefully, as you have predicted, the flight will be found on 25th March 2014.
DeleteAlso the D10 and D12 charts are still having MARS ascendant. Rahu is impacting SUN>> the Pilot and the flight as well as MARS>> flight Ascendant. So foul play is certain. Something done INTENTIONALLY for the personal motives. The Pilot was certainly involved in the foul play either as a victim or as a doer.
DeleteThe number 8 as you said in not inauspicious per say. But it is relevant because,, as you said correctly number 8 signifies SATURN which itself is RETROGRADE and Placed in the 12th house(Hiding) with RAHU(illusion and Manipulation for personal Gain).
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteA detailed analysis on what directions the Sign of Libra, Virgo, the 12th house and Mars will point to is required for further research. But mars represent EARTH and Land and is in Chitra( Presenting Spirituality with Art and Structures). I am still Hopeful it vanished into some LAND Area with Holy Statues and Structures. Lets See! Let's be hopeful, God bless All
ReplyDeleteRahu is impacting SUN>> the Pilot and the flight as well as MARS>> flight Ascendant. So foul play is certain. Something done INTENTIONALLY for the personal motives. The Pilot was certainly Involved in the foul play may be either as a victim or as a doer.
ReplyDeleteIF SOMEONE can provide me the details of the Co-ordinates and altitude of the location where the plane lost connection? It will be very helpful for me to pinpoint a few things. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI posted it last night too but i guess this stupid internet Jammed. Today Sunday, with Sun entering Pisces a Major truth about the Pilot and the #FLIGHT370 will come out or enlightened or Revealed.
ReplyDelete#MalaysianAirlines #Malaysia #MH370 #TheMIssingFlight #VedicAstrology #ResearchinAstrology
Astrology is characterized as, "the divination of the alleged impacts of the stars and planets on human undertakings and earthly occasions by their positions and perspectives." There's a well-known axiom that things are "written in the stars," and for adherents of astrology,
ReplyDeleteBest Astrologer in Mumbai